Well, this is me.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009 |

Let's start with the basic, boring stuff: my name is Maia. I'm 15 years old (going on 16) and I live in beautiful, sunny Montreal, Canada.

I love to live & learn. I guess you could call me a "multi-talented" person but frankly, I'm far from being talented at everything I do. I'm trying my hand at cooking, gradually getting better at web design, discovering photography, and so much more really. I guess I'm more of a freak than anything else.

I'm really excited about getting this blog up; cooking is a part of my life and always will be. While some people may see it as a bothersome chore, I see it as something which can be turned into an adventure. It's a necessity, and can't be avoided; but it can be made into something much pleasanter if you put your heart into it.

Why do I cook? Well, my parents are pretty busy. My sister apparently decided early on in her childhood that she sucked at cooking. So, I just decided I'd do it, and since I'd do it I might as well enjoy it. I really started loving cooking when I discovered AllRecipes.com (I highly recommend this website!). Most of my recipes come from there.

I'm definitely looking forward to chatting about this great hobby on my new blog... thanks for reading this far already.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm really glad that you're getting your blog up, this will be so interesting to follow.